Keeping staff informed, engaged, productive, and safe with Netpresenter
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Globalization, digitalization, and remote work have made reaching, connecting, and engaging your workforce more challenging. However, we think reaching and connecting your employees is essential to turn your organization into a thriving and safe community – wherever your employees might be. That is why we are dedicated (and have been for over 25 years) to helping organizations worldwide keep their staff informed, engaged, productive, and safe. However, how do you reach your entire organization with relevant information and communication in today’s environment of information overload? With an omnichannel approach to communication, we help our customers connect and reach their employees through our employee communications platform.
- Keeping Employees Informed
- Keeping Employees Engaged
- Keeping Employees Productive
- Keeping Employees Safe
Keeping Employees Informed
Keeping employees well-informed requires a direct line to every employee, wherever they are. That is why we take an omnichannel approach to employee communication: our platform provides multiple communications channels such as digital signage, corporate screensavers, or a mobile app for smartphones and tablets. Deploying all of these will ensure your messages will always reach all your employees, always keeping them informed of the latest internal news under any circumstance.
“A whopping 80 percent of students and employees say they feel better informed.”
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht: 80 Percent Better Informed
The University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU), for example, keeps 35,000 students and 3,500 employees up to date with Netpresenter. Large screens throughout the campus display internal news that they formerly distributed through flyers or posters. Meral van Leeuwen, Corporate Communication Advisor and Editor at HU: “We’ve been using Netpresenter for over 15 years. It is a good tool, especially for students; they are a tricky audience to reach. They are used to visual content, and Netpresenter is very well suited for that.” In a user survey conducted to see whether Netpresenter genuinely improved its internal communications, a whopping 80 percent of users said they felt better informed.

Keeping Employees Engaged
Employee engagement starts with connection. We help organizations reach, include, connect, and engage every single employee in their organization with a smooth digital experience. We take your communication seamlessly to your field staff, remote employees, and office employees to keep everyone up to date and make them feel like an important part of your organization. Keeping employees engaged is especially important in today’s workplace, in which staff is often geographically dispersed or working from home, sometimes socially isolated. In this case, social features connect your staff. They enable your employees to voice their opinion, contribute knowledge and celebrate achievements, while you can put employees in the spotlight to emphasize that employees’ actions are appreciated.
“77 percent of employees feel more engaged and more connected to DLL thanks to DLL’s digital signage screens”
DLL: 77 Percent More Engaged
DLL wanted to connect their staff directly with their internal news. Edita Mujović, Global Digital Communications Manager at DLL, explains how they use Netpresenter to inform and engage their employees: “Our goal was to reach people when they were at the office, but not while working at their desks. That is why we chose digital signage. With Netpresenter, news items are now automatically extracted from the intranet and published on large, strategically placed TV screens, called DLL Newscast screens, throughout the office.” With good results: a staggering 77 percent admitted they also feel more engaged and more connected to DLL as a company.

Keeping Employees Productive
Our omnichannel approach to communication helps organizations keep their employees productive: we provide multiple methods to reach employees with relevant information, reaching them where they are working – without distracting them from their work. An employee communications platform like Netpresenter allows organizations to tailor their messages, making them more relevant and reducing information overload, enabling employees to focus on their job. Additionally, our integrations with popular tools such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Power BI will ensure employees have all the information they need to do their job well – all in one place and without having to search for it.
“With our digital signage, we provide staff with real-time data, so we can anticipate the figures and work proactively.”
Hoenderdaal Fasteners and Power BI
Our Customer Hoenderdaal Fasteners was looking for a convenient way to make Power BI data transparent for their staff. They connected Power BI to their Netpresenter digital signage. “We’re now sharing KPIs with all our departments using Netpresenter to provide staff with real-time data, so we can anticipate the figures and work proactively,” says Tristan Hoogmoed, IT support employee at Hoenderdaal Fasteners. “The connection to our digital signage ensures our departments have a good idea of how we’re performing, simply by looking at the screens. We lacked this level of transparency before, so our employees are very enthusiastic they no longer have to search for Power BI dashboards themselves.”

Keeping Employees Safe
An employee communications platform like Netpresenter enables you to build a culture of safety. Digital signage or screensaver messages will be shown repeatedly, ensuring retention of the information. Push notifications or pop-up alerts will immediately draw everyone’s attention, so you can be sure nobody misses a vital emergency message. With acknowledgement buttons, you can guarantee your employees have read your message. Gentle reminders can help improve employee wellbeing across the organization. However, you can also improve your organization’s digital safety: you can even train your employees to increase their cybersecurity and build a strong human firewall.
“In case of an emergency, screensavers and video monitors are automatically taken over, alerting all our team members and giving them instructions on dealing with patients.”
When things go bad and you must reach everyone immediately, Netpresenter can be used as an emergency communications platform as well. Everything you need is already in place. A push of a button is enough to reach all employees with impossible-to-ignore alerts and notifications. Whether it’s a fire outbreak, severe weather rolling in, or a cyber-attack hitting your systems: everyone immediately knows how to act accordingly.
UTMC: alerting and informing over 7,000 people with Netpresenter
The University of Tennessee Medical Center uses Netpresenter software to alert and inform more than 7,000 people at its facilities. With 54 large TV screens throughout the medical center and an interactive screensaver at every PC, alert messages are impossible to ignore. When disaster strikes, alert messages are issued on all TV screens and screensavers with Netpresenter. Jeromy Welch, Internal Communications Coordinator: “In case of an emergency, screensavers and video monitors are automatically taken over, alerting all our team members and giving them instructions on dealing with patients. Getting these warnings across is of vital importance because many of our personnel do not have the opportunity to read the news or turn on the television, especially clinical individuals, who often don’t even see windows. The screensaver and video monitor messages, however, are impossible to miss.”

Do you want to keep your employees informed, engaged, productive, and safe? Schedule a free demo or get in touch with our consultants; they are more than happy to discuss how your organization can benefit from a platform like Netpresenter. Or download our free guide to find the right communication tools.