Robust integrations to
simplify your work

Connect Netpresenter with the tools you already use to automatically display and share existing content. Prevent double entry to save costly time and bring relevant content to your employees to keep everyone informed about the latest and greatest.

sharepoint integrations netpresenter

Microsoft SharePoint

Bring your SharePoint to life. Actively bring existing SharePoint content to employees’ attention using any available screen and device within your organization. Generate more traffic to SharePoint and easily increase intranet visits.

teams integrations netpresenter

Microsoft Teams

Avoid a jumble of information, in which important messages drop out of sight, and people lose the overview. Use our Microsoft Teams integration to keep Teams organized for everyone; even for people without access to a computer. 

power bi integrations netpresenter

Microsoft Power BI

Boost your Business Intelligence and become a data-driven organization. Automatically display Microsoft Power BI reports and dashboards on every screen within your organization with our powerful Power BI integration.

workplace netpresenter


Our integration with Workplace from Facebook enables you to automatically display the latest updates from Workplace channels on every screen within your organization. Show Workplace posts and updates, including images, and comments, to easily keep your entire workforce informed about the latest company news.

excel integrations netpresenter

Microsoft Excel

Spread your spreadsheets. Show data from your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets automatically on every screen within your organization, keeping people informed about the latest KPIs, statistics, schedules, and more!

sociak media integrations netpresenter

Social Media

Enhance employee engagement by displaying the most recent updates from your corporate social media accounts, such as Facebook and LinkedIn. This keeps everyone updated and connected with the latest news and developments.

google maps integrations netpresenter


Grab the attention of employees and visitors by displaying nice-to-know information on selected screens. Use our integration with Google to display calendars from Google Calendar or live traffic and public transport information of a specific region directly from Google Maps.

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office 365 integrations netpresenter

Office 365

Use our Office 365 Integration to sync user groups and enable Single Sign-On. Employees can use the same safe credentials they use for Windows and maintain their cybersecurity.


rss xml feeds netpresenter

RSS & XML feeds

Automatically integrate newsfeeds via external sources like RSS and XML to show relevant industry news, weather information, interesting world headlines, the latest sports results, or what is happening locally.

database netpresenter


Netpresenter is compatible with popular databases like MySQL and Microsoft SQL, resulting in low cost, low bandwidth usage, and making it easy to roll-out.

Header active directory

Active Directory

Use your existing Active Directory environment to send personalized content to specific groups – e.g. departments, locations, or offices worldwide. Target content based on Active Directory Groups and Organizational Units (on-premise) or Azure AD Groups (cloud).

api netpresenter


Netpresenter easily connects with other platforms using their (REST) API. Our platform supports exchanging data in JSON and XML format. Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) enables you to connect to your building’s existing alarm system.