What’s New

Welcome to the What’s New page. Here, we inform you about the latest (major and minor) updates and improvements to our Content Hub. Stay up to date by checking out the most recent changes at the top of the page. For previous updates, just scroll down to explore past entries organized by release date.

15 April 2024

Priority Levels for Alerts: We’ve updated our alert system to include a new “high priority” level for urgent news and situations. Now, there are three priority levels:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

These levels determine various pre-determined alert settings like pop-up size, a flashing border (new), how often alerts appear, and push notifications. When creating a new custom scenario, you can easily see which settings correspond to each priority level.

Estimated Targeting Reach: We’ve enhanced the clarity of the estimated reach when creating a slide. Now, it’s easier to understand the reach of your slide’s target audience, including the number of users, PCs, and TVs targeted. These details are shown in a clear diagram .

Yearly-Recurring Messaging: Responding to popular demand from our users, we’ve introduced the ability to schedule content to recur yearly on the same date. This feature is ideal for annual events like birthdays and public holidays.

AI Assistant for Slide Creation: The “AI Content Generator” is now also accessible in the slides section, helping with slide creation.

External Sources Status: In the “logging” and “external sources” sections, there’s now an indicator that shows if there are any errors.

License Overview: Under “settings” → “licenses”, the license overview now shows which modules are active and available to use.

Storage: We’ve added a feature to the “system” → “storage” section that now displays the amount of storage used at a space.

Bug fixes: Various bug fixes have been implemented to enhance the overall functionality and user experience of the application.

18 March 2024

User experience improvements:

  • New home page setup: We’ve updated the Employee App for a better experience. Now, the “to do” and “featured” sections have been merged into a new “Your Headlines” section. This section displays articles, polls, and quizzes in order of their priority. When extras like push notifications are activated in the Netpresenter Content Hub, an article becomes a “Headline article.” Right below, you’ll find the “Latest” section, which lists the most recent articles that don’t have a high priority or have lost it.
netpresenter desktop app
  • News page replaces category page: We’ve replaced the category page with a news page. Here, you’ll see all types of content—articles, polls, and quizzes—arranged in chronological order.
  • Improved Privacy for Members: To enhance privacy, administrators can now disable the display of member lists. They also have the flexibility to select which contact details to show on member profiles. Options include mobile phone, work phone, email, none, or all.

26 February 2024

New Features:

  • Shortcuts: It’s now possible to add shortcuts to the Employee App (for mobile and desktop). By enabling shortcuts, you can add your company’s preferred tools, websites, or applications to the employee apps. This way, users can easily find and access essential resources, like HR portals, schedules, FAQs, or policies, directly from the app. This feature is especially beneficial for non-desk employees, providing quick access to essential tools. Shortcuts will appear in the main menu of the app as a separate navigation menu item, with each link added as a sub-menu item.

User Experience Improvements

  • The list of suggested icons for alert scenarios has been expanded with more frequently used alert-related icons, like exclamation marks, bells, and sirens.
  • You can now directly create an accompanying slide while creating a new article. A new “Add slide” option is now included on the article page, eliminating the need for additional action. A dedicated window for slide customization and previewing is also available for a more integrated experience.
  • For push notifications, it’s now easier to see which target audience has been selected already for the existing article. Adding a specific new target audience has become easier as well.
  • A template can now be forcibly updated when not all fields are filled.
  • Importing SMS numbers via a CSV file is now possible.

We’ve also fixed various bugs and made performance improvements to ensure a smoother and more seamless user experience.

15 January, 2024

New features:

  • The Screen Saver is now available for Citrix environments.

User Experience Improvements:

  • We’ve added the ability to filter Slide Players by status.
  • The search function for Slide Players now searches through a larger number of fields.
  • Applied filters remain active after switching to another tab and returning.
  • We’ve updated the term ‘Engaged Users’ to ‘Active Users’ to better reflect the purpose of this designation.
  • The Author label is now called “Created by” for a more intuitive and consistent naming convention.

We’ve also fixed various bugs and made performance improvements to ensure a smoother and more seamless user experience.