Content Hub Wallpapers

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

This page explains how to create and manage Wallpapers in the Netpresenter Content Hub. Before proceeding please check if you use the Content Hub or the Message Server & Alert Server.

Content Hub Login

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Message Server Login

If it looks like this please click here to read the Message Server & Alert Server documentation.

Introduction to Wallpapers 

The Netpresenter Slide player is capable of altering the Windows desktop backgrounds.
An image will be created from the created content and pushed to your audience.
To start creating wallpapers, select the Wallpapers option in the left menu.

Creating wallpapers

If this is your first time within the wallpapers menu, you will be presented with the following image.

Click on Add new or Create a Wallpaper to start.

Adding content

The first thing that you will need to do is add a Wallpaper name. This will only be used in the Wallpapers overview and will not be visible on the image itself.

Next, you will need to select a template from our current selection.

Dependent on the selected template, a content box will appear below with sections. These sections are Title, Message and Media.
If you had selected a template with only media, then you will not see any Title or Message fields.

The title and message fields can be filled in to your preference. It is also possible to use the ‘AI Content Generator’ button. This will open a new window that will allow you to ask the AI chat bot to draft an article for you. Just write your suggestion for the article’s content and after a while, you will be presented with a full article that you will need to manually copy and paste into the description field.

The specific Wallpaper template WP1 | Wallpaper, allows you to show the company logo. You can either select yes or no in its drop down menu.

If you wish to add media, you can click the Add media button. This will open a window where you can select images from your asset library, upload a new image or select an image from the Free Stock Images section.


When the wallpaper is created, the target audience needs to be configured. 
This can be a custom group or a specific slide player. The category for this wallpaper can also be configured here. 

Below that, the Publish, and Unpublish dates can be defined. 

By default, it will be published immediately, and it will have no end date. These can be modified to your liking. 

You can also make this wallpaper reoccur. 

First, you will need to select the scheduling type. Recurring or weekly. 

Then, select the start date and the recurrence’s end date. 

The recurrence can be configured more deeply by selecting the weekly recurrence and even on which days you would have it recur. 

Lastly, you will need to select the publishing time and when it should be unpublished. 


A call to action can be added to WP1 | Wallpaper to open a Hyperlink.

This will not be a clickable button but it will become a QR code that can be scanned and that will open the URL that is filled in in the URL field. The text next to the QR code can be altered as well.

Finalize the Wallpaper

When you’re done with all the configurations, you can either save the wallpaper as draft or Publish it directly to your target audience.

After selecting either option, you are redirected to the Wallpaper overview and you can see the active or drafted wallpaper in the list.

Within the overview you can see all published wallpapers, showing their title, outputs, category, and published date. You can filter these wallpapers by a specific category with the drop-down menu on the left or search for a specific wallpaper with the search function. 

By hovering over an existing wallpaper, 3 actions will appear on the right-hand side. 1 action to delete the wallpaper, a second to pause the wallpaper and another to edit. 
By clicking anywhere else on this wallpaper, you will also be able to edit the wallpaper. 

When selecting the boxes in front of the wallpapers, Bulk actions will become available.

Wallpapers can be unpublished or deleted in bulk this way.

The order of wallpapers can also be manipulated by dragging them to a different spot, using the tab next to the status indicator.

By clicking a wallpaper within this overview, you will see the Wallpaper’s details

Information such as the wallpaper’s title and description are shown alongside the wallpaper’s statistics.
On the right side, the publisher’s information is shown as well as the targeted audience.

The actions button will show 4 options. The first will allow you to edit the wallpaper. The second will pause the wallpaper while the 3rd will unpublish it and with the last one you can delete it altogether.