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Cross media communication no ‘rocket science’ for NATO C3 Agency

In November 2009 NC3A opted for Netpresenter software to make their (internal) communication more effective and well-structured. Barely a month after giving the go-ahead for the implementation of the software, the first monitors were officially put into use.

The C3 Agency (NC3A) is a NATO agency with offices in The Hague (NL) and Brussels (BE) and counts over 850 employees.


Improving internal communication and, by using both traditional and new media, inform employees in a pleasant and structured manor.


An effective internal communication mix in which SharePoint plays a central role. Many of the messages published in SharePoint are also published on various large TV screens in the building (dynamic Digital Signage). The information published is not the same for each location; there are screens aimed at employees and visitors.


Quick implementation: just one month from go-ahead to launch. Use of a mix of traditional and new media so that employees are approached using the media that suites them. Changes can be made quickly and from any location. This new way of communication is highly appreciated by employees. This is demonstrated by the amount of messages employees submit to broadcast via Netpresenter.

‘Netpresenter being appreciated as a communication tool shows due to the fact that not just employees send us input for Netpresenter messages, but outsiders as well’

Richard van Nijnatten Creative media manager at NC3A

About NATO C3 Agency

The NC3A is a NATO agency that is engaged in C4ISR technologies (Communication, Command, Control, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance). The agency supplies cutting-edge technologies to NATO organizations and NATO and PfP (Partnership for Peace) members. NC3A has over 850 employees, headquarters in The Hague and Brussels and various offices in Norfolk, USA (ACT), Mons (SHAPE), Stavanger, Kabul and Kandahar.

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NATO C3 Agency

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